Search Results

Little boy in the front is holding a large ball.

13. Group Portrait, Helvetia, W. Va.

Two women with children on their laps in a field in Helvetia, West Virginia.

14. Helvetia Women and Children, Helvetia, W. Va.

15. Gathering on a Hillside,Helvetia, W. Va.

Dora Huber(left), sole African American resident in Helvetia, West Virginia, and two other woman and a child.

16. Helvetia Women, Helvetia, W. Va.

Portrait of people sitting outside in Helvetia, West Virginia.

17. Group Portrait, Helvetia, W. Va.

18. Portrait of a Child, Helvetia, W. Va.

19. Portrait of Children, Helvetia, W. Va.

20. Portrait of Child, Helvetia, W. Va.

21. Portrait of Child, Helvetia, W. Va.

22. Portrait of Two Children, Helvetia, W. Va.

A portrait of two children taken outdoors in Helvetia, W. Va.

23. Portrait of Two Children, Helvetia, W. Va.

A portrait of two boys and a girl taken outdoor in front of a tree stump, Helvetia, W. Va.

24. Portrait of Three Children, Helvetia, W. Va.