Search Results

Mine is located in Bergoo Webster County, W. Va.

73. Sub- Station at Mine Number 5

Mine is located in Bergoo, Webster County, W. Va.

74. Main A. C. Breaker House at Mine Number 5

Mine is located in Bergoo, Webster County, W. Va.

75. Winter View Looking Down on Headhouse From Hoist House at Mine Number 5

Mine is located in Bergoo, Webster County, W. Va.

76. Headhouse at Mine Number 5

77. Snow Covered Office and Safety Bulletin Board at Bolair #1 Mine, Webster County, W. Va.

78. Sub Station and Fire Boss Bulletin Board at Bolair Mine #1, Webster County, W. Va.

A view of oil house and tipple bin at Bolair #1 mine in Webster county.

79. Snow Covered Oil House and Tipple Bin at Bolair #1 Mine, West Virginia

An eight inch stream of water pumped from a C.H. Mead Coal Company Coal mine.

80. Water Pumped From Coal Mine, Raleigh County, W. Va

81. Stone Mine Supply House, Ethel Hollow, Blair Mountain, W. Va.

(From postcard collection legacy system--subject.)

82. Federal Shaft, Grant Town, W. Va.

View overlooking the facilities in Cameo, W. Va. C. & O. Railway cars sit around and beneath the building, likely ready to transport coal.

83. Federal Consolidated Coal Company Zephyr Mine Facilities

C. & O. Railway cars sit against the building, likely prepared to transport coal.

84. Railway Leading Up to Federal Consolidated Coal Company Zephyr Mine Facilities