Search Results

61. State Penitentiary in Moundsville, W. Va.

62. State Penitentiary in Moundsville, W. Va.

This grade and high school was built in 1925. It took the place of five one-room schools located in the neighborhoods of Way-man's Ridge, Allen, Limestone, Wood Hill and Fairview. It was constructed after the Fairview school house burned down in 1923. It was located in Limestone Community in Marshall County, West Virginia.

63. Washington District Consolidated School in Limestone Community

Unidentified man and woman pose in front of the store with a new automobile parked at the curb on a dirt paved road.

64. Store at Graysville, Marshall County, W.V.a.

Postcard photograph, see the original postcard for correspondence.

65. First Ward School Building, Moundsville, W. Va.

66. Jamie Carpenter Finishing One of His Designs at Fostora Glass Co., Moundsville, W. Va.

67. Boso Wagon, Moundsville, W. Va.

68. Methodist and Presbyterian Churches; Cameron, W. Va.

69. Birds Eye View of Town; Cameron, W. Va.

A description of the event from "The Petroleum Gazette": "Tony Shuster, an oil well shooter was blown to atoms at 6:30 this morning when the nitroglycerine magazine of the Marietta Torpedo Co. 1/2 mile east of town, exploded. Shuster's team and wagon were blown to bits, the shoe of one horse falling in the center of the town. Every window in Cameron was demolished. Windows at Bristoria 12 miles distant, were broken. A great hole 30 feet in diameter and 15 feet deep marks the spot where the magazine stood. Bits of flesh were found over an area of over 1/2 a mile." (From postcard collection legacy system.)

70. Place of the Glycerine Explosion; Near Cameron, W. Va.

See original for correspondence. Published by Genuine Curteich. (From postcard collection legacy system.)

71. Main Street, Showing Movie Theatre; Cameron, W. Va.

Published by Curt Teich and Company. (From postcard collection legacy system.)

72. Water Street, Showing Methodist and Presbyterian Churches; Cameron, W. Va.