Search Results

Dog near barracks in Lowesville, W. Va.

1. Barracks at Lowesville, W. Va.

Dog is laying on the ground.

2. Pete Viola's Dog

Baker wearing white apron and hat with dog at his feet.

3. American Friends Service Committee Baker with Dog

4. Scott's Run Baker with Dog

5. Hunting Dogs, Puppies and their Trainers

Small Boy sitting in a rocking chair.  Dog standing on legs beside boy.

6. Photograph from Joe Ozanic Scrapbook

Young Boy sitting in toy car.  Dog standing behind the car.

7. Photograph from Joe Ozanic Scrapbook

U. S. Senator Holt from West Virginia, poses with a dog.

8. United States Senator Rush D. Holt and Dog

A restaurant in Adamsville, near the oil fields in Shinnston, W. Va.

9. Lambert Store and Restaurant No.2, Adamsville, W. Va.

Group of unidentified men and two dogs are in front of Lambert Store and Restaurant in Adamsville, Shinnston, W. Va.

10. Unidentified Group of Men, Shinnston, W. Va.

Group of unidentified men, a child, four horses, and a dog pose for a group portrait in front of Barrack & Son General Black-Smithing Store near Shinnston, W. Va.

11. Unidentified Men Pose for Group Portrait in Adamsville, W. Va.

Judy Sirk holding her dog, Sandy.

12. Judy A. Sirk and Dog, Sandy