Search Results

President Roosevelt is shown posing in the presidential limousine in front of officers and an army aircraft with Assistant Secretary of the Navy Charles Edison (back of middle seat) and the Assistant Secretary of War Louis Johnson (beside Edison), among others. The president inspected aircraft at the Army's Bolling Field and the Naval Air Station.

61. President Roosevelt Inspects Army and Navy Aircraft, Washington, D. C.

Pictured left to right: Ray Murphy, Ed Spafford, Ralph T. O'Neill, General James A. Drain, Stephen Chadwick, Harry Colmery, Raymond J. Kelly, John R. Quinn, Louis Johnson, Paul McNutt.

62. Past National Commanders of the American Legion, Indianapolis, Indiana

Group of 4-H members pose in front of cottage as late stages of construction are completed.

63. Monroe County Cottage, Jackson's Mill, W. Va.

The S. George Company produced flour sacks and printed flour barrel labels. The woman seated in the middle of the picture is (Katherine) Jane Watson, the company's bookkeeper.

64. S. George Company Employees, Wellsburg, W. Va.

65. Children Preparing to Shovel Snow In Front of House

66. Children Shoveling Pathway Through Snow

67. Dam Workers, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, New Richmond, O. H.

Back Row: unknown, Niskalas, Fonda, Collins, Payne, [illegible]Middle Row: Butt, McDonald, Otard, Crush, unknown, [illegible], Spiro, Fletcher, A. Alexander, Hurst, R. ThomasChief Patterson, Bos'n AnklerFirst Row: Creekmore, Edmunds, Ervin, Bozard, Ens. White, Lt. Compton, Lt. Rosenkrans, Day, [illegible], J. Thomas, Willis

68. Section A3, District Intelligence Office of the U. S. Navy, Norfolk, V. A.