Search Results

A West Virginia University football player identified as "Wagner" is pictured in his practice gear.

133. WVU Football Player Wagner, Morgantown, W. Va.

A West Virginia University football player identified as "Webster" is pictured in his practice gear.

134. WVU Football Player Webster, Morgantown, W. Va.

Susan was the daughter of Shelby and Margery Weltner. She was born in 1867  and died on November 28, 1948.

135. Susan Minnie Weltner

The Weltners were a family from Stewartstown, W. Va.

136. Sarah Ella Weltner, Uniontown, Pa.

Ross was a pastor at Forks of Cheat Baptist Church.

137. Ross and Vina Conn Ward, Stewartstown, W. Va.

Members of the Weltner family, aged 67 and 68.

138. Members of the Weltner Family, Stewartstown, W. Va.

139. A Weltner Family Member, Stewartstown, W. Va.

Pictured are "Mildred" Elizabeth; William "Herbert"; Eleanor "Geraldine"; and Janice "Albert".

140. Weltner Relatives, Stewartstown, W. Va.

A Weltner relative poses in her cap and gown while holding a diploma.

141. Weltner Family Member's Graduate Portrait, Stewartstown, W. Va.

Portrait of Eli H. Westbrook, born ca. 1850, and Uretta (Koon) Westbrook, born ca. 1860.  Eli's hat rests on the wooden chair at the center of the image.

142. Eli H. Westbrook and Uretta Koon Westbrook

Man identified as C. E. Wiseman poses with one pant leg pulled up, exposing his prosthetic leg.

143. Man with Prosthetic Leg, Charleston, W. Va.

Photo of a miniature painted portrait of James Wilson, 1783-1831.  The portrait was painted in Scotland prior to 1799 and in 2018 was owned by the Blennerhassett Historical Foundation, Inc.  See A&M 880 for the diary of James Wilson.

144. Miniature Portrait of James Wilson