Search Results

Wife of West Virginia Governor Albert Blakeslee White (1901-1905).

85. First Lady of West Virginia, Agnes Ward White

Wife of West Virginia Governor Cecil H. Underwood (1957-1961 & 1997-2001)

86. First Lady of West Virginia, Hovah Hall Underwood from Grantsville, W. Va.

Information included with the photograph: "Domestic servant of J. Z. & Harriet Ellison. Later married and wrote letter describing her life. Now in WVU Collection". Inscribed on the back of the photograph, "Mr and Mrs. C. P. Ellison March 27, 1909. From R. S. Wiseman"

87. Rebecca S. Wiseman, Monroe County, W. Va.

This is a photo of Ruby Wright. She performed at the Met. in Morgantown, West Virginia. She was known as "The Sweetheart of the Air" and was featured with Barney Rapp and the New Englanders. The photo was collected by WVU students George and Mike Barrick. It is signed "To George Best Wishes Ruby Wright".

88. Autographed Portrait of Ruby Wright a performer

Public school educator and author of "A Graduating System for Country Schools", which was incorporated in rural schools throughout the United States. Inscribed on the photograph by Wade, "I have a cut like this but our goods are all packed and I am not sure the cut can be found. I wrote and asked Spencer to look for it. I enclose photo. A. L. W."

89. Professor Alexander Wade, Morgantown, W. Va.

Ivry Williams and unidentified woman pose in front of a campus building at West Virginia State College. The college is located in Institute, Kanawha County. All other persons in the photograph are unidentified. Information on p. 130 in "Our Monongalia" by Connie Park Rice. Information with the photograph includes "Courtesy of Ivry Moore Williams."

90. Ivry Williams at West Virginia State College, Kanawha County, W. Va.

Wilson, a Confederate veteran and a Bourbon Democrat served one year as president of West Virginia University and several terms as a United States Congressman from West Virginia's eastern panhandle.

91. William Lyne Wilson of Charles Town, Jefferson County, W. Va.

Whaley was elected to the United States Congress 1861-1867, representing the Loyal Government of Virginia and later West Virginia. During the Civil War he recruited several regiments for the Union Army and served with the rank of major in the 9th West Virginia Regiment.

92. Kellian Van Rensalear Whaley of Cerado, Wayne County, W. Va.

93. Portrait of Goldie White

94. Gary Weiner of Clarksburg, Harrison County, W. Va.

Commanded Confederate troops during the first invasion of Kanawha Valley, 1861. Wise was Governor of Virginia, 1856 -1860.

95. Brigadier General Henry A. Wise

Director, producer, and screenwriter in the motion picture industry.

96. Clyde Ware from West Union, Doddridge County, W. Va.