Search Results

1. Portrait of an Unidentified Sailor

The three men's names are Jim, Steve and Dick(Pride).

2. Sailors Jim, Steve, and Dick, Morgantown, W. Va.

Sailors and Naval officers fill the battleship's deck.

3. U.S.S. West Virginia Homecoming

A crew consisting of a cox, and engineer and two extra men are pictured on the stem of the boat, which was used to take enlisted men ashore. The boat carries about 125 men and is 50 feet long.

4. U.S.S. West Virginia Motor Launch Crew

Captain Spears and his inspecting party make a routine inspection.

5. Naval Officer Inspect Crew Aboard U.S.S. West Virginia

An unidentified crew member leans against the 5" gun and port.

6. Sailor Beside U.S.S. West Virginia Gun and Port

A sailor stands in the boat while it's being raised by the battleship's crane. The "punt" boat was used only to paint the sides of the ship. The boat pictured on the far left is a whale boat, which is used as a life boat and is also used in racing. The boat on the right  is called a "racing cutter" and is also used as a life boat and in cutter racing.

7. U.S.S. West Virginia Crane Hoisting "Punt" Boat

The U.S.S. West Virginia crew organized on the deck.

8. All Hands on Deck, U.S.S. West Virginia

The motor boats were used to transport enlisted men to and from shore.

9. Officers Transported on Motor Boats to the U.S.S. West Virginia

Crew members hanging out of the West Virginia and in a smaller boat alongside attempt to right the overturned boat.

10. Capsized Sail Boat Off of U.S.S. West Virginia

A sailor prepares to dive into the sea off the deck of the U.S.S. West Virginia.

11. Scuba Diver off U.S.S. West Virginia

Crew members pal around during the crossing initiation ceremony, where sailors who have never crossed the equator before are "brought before Neptune" and tested.

12. U.S.S. West Virginia Crossing the Equator