Search Results

Building at left is the old mill.

53221. First 4-H Camp, Jacskon's Mill, W. Va.

53222. First 4-H Camp, Jacskon's Mill, W. Va.

Campers gathered under trees.

53223. First 4-H Camp, Jacskon's Mill, W. Va.

"First assembly room under the Chestnut Trees."

53224. First 4-H Camp, Jacskon's Mill, W. Va.

W. A. Lawson fertilizes potato crop through funnel.

53225. Fertilizing Potato Demonstration; Kanawha County, W. Va.

"Raymond Taylor, a Corn Club boy of Clay County selecting seed corn. He is here removing the tassels from poor stalk."

53226. Corn Club Boy, Clay County, W. Va.

53227. Wheat Harvesting, Kanawha County, W. Va.

Two women show the others a scheme for removing jars from a canning boiler.

53228. "Colored Church" in Mingo County, W. Va.

African American Women and children leaving the demonstration, books in hand.

53229. 4-H Club Demonstration, Cinderella, W. Va.

53230. Boys and Girls Club, Kanawha County, W. Va.

A campaign poster promoting Louis Johnson for election to the West Virginia House of Delegates in the 1916 elections. The campaign was successful.

53231. Louis Johnson Campaign Poster

"The first camp ever held in West Virginia. J. U. Shipman- County agent."

53232. 4-H Club Camp, Randolph County, W. Va.