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President Roosevelt is shown posing in the presidential limousine in front of officers and an army aircraft with Assistant Secretary of the Navy Charles Edison (back of middle seat) and the Assistant Secretary of War Louis Johnson (beside Edison), among others. The president inspected aircraft at the Army's Bolling Field and the Naval Air Station.

53269. President Roosevelt Inspects Army and Navy Aircraft, Washington, D. C.

Text on the back reads, "When Assistant Secretary of War, Col. Louis Johnson was famous as hard worker, hard driver. During preparations for important mission to aid India in fighting off Japanese, the telephone in his Washington apartment was seldom silent." Johnson served as the President's personal representative in India in 1942.

53270. Colonel Louis Johnson Prepares to Travel to India, Washington, D. C.

Assistant Secretary of War Louis Johnson (center, bareheaded) attends the opening of an airline at the Harrison County Airport, now known as the Benedum Airport.

53271. Assistant Secretary of War Louis Johnson at Harrison County Airport, Clarksburg, W. Va.

People gather for an opening ceremony of an airline at Harrison County Airport, now called Benedum Airport.

53272. Opening an Airline at Harrison County Airport, Clarksburg, W. Va.

People gather around an aircraft for a ceremony for the opening of an airline at Harrison County Airport, now called Benedum Airport.

53273. An Aircraft at Harrison County Airport, Clarksburg, W. Va.

Emily Frances Maxwell was crowned Queen Sylvia of the Mountain State Festival in 1932.

53274. Queen Sylvia III and Her Court, Mountain State Forest Festival, Elkins, W. Va.

53275. Willia Jarvis Robinson with Janet Robinson

53276. Portrait of Lillie Jarvis

53277. Willia Jarvis Robinson, Cora Lewis Jarvis, and Lillie Jarvis Maxwell

Text on the back reads, "Ruth, Frank, and Bill Maxwell with Ella Jackson, their nurse for many years."

53278. Children with their Nurse

53279. Ruth Maxwell Johnson

Students participating in class in Woodburn Hall.

53280. Woodburn Hall, WVU, Morgantown, W. Va.