Search Results

12697. Back of the Old Hardy County Jail, Hardy County, W. Va.

12698. Bean's Hardware Store, Hardy County, W. Va.

View of the Hardy County Bank Building in Moorefield, West Virginia. It was Built in 1910, the bank started in Wilson's Store Building at the left, and the bank was closed in the depression of 1930, and sold in 1932.

12699. Hardy County Bank, Hardy County, W. Va.

Group of men stand beside vehicles at Bean's Garage in Moorefield, West Virginia. 'Bean acquired a Ford dealership in Moorefield in 1910.'

12700. Employees of Bean's Garage, Hardy County, W. Va.

12701. New South Branch Valley Bank, Hardy County, W. Va.

Interior of the Hardy County Public Library in Moorefield. This is one of six libraries in the United States to win the 1966 Book-of-the-Month Club Award. 'Bishoff's Studio and Camera Center, Moorefield, W. Va.'

12702. Interior of the Hardy County Public Library, Hardy County, W. Va.

View of the Hardy County Bank and surrounding buildings on Main Street in Moorefield.

12703. Hardy County Bank, Hardy County, W. Va.

12704. Heltzel Block, Wardensville, Hardy County, W. Va.

Scene of World War I draftees preparing to leave for training camp. 'This photo is from the original glass plate by M. Alexander. It was taken on Main Street near South Branch Valley National Bank. From left to right: Dr. R. E. L. Hackney, Scout Master, Frank McNeill, Boyd McWhorter, George Finley, and the boy in the white uniform with his back to the camera is Willie Dasher.'

12705. Crowd Gathered to See Off World War I Draftees, Hardy County, W. Va.

New Moorefield Courthouse was finished in 1913.

12706. Moorefield Courthouse, Hardy County, W. Va.

View of the old Court House on Main Street in Moorefield, opposite the Presbyterian Church. 'The old brick Court House on Main Street was the second Court House. This fine old building sat back about thirty feet from the side walk with an iron fence in front. This was done by the Eberlys. This building was used until 1913 when the new Court House on Washington Street was opened. It was a nice cool old building. The large trees in the yard provided nice shade for loafers on hot summer days and the well of cold fresh water is just hidden by the scales along the street. There was always several benches in the yard in the summer time. Just inside of the front door wide steps led to the main court room on the second floor. The court room had a gallery around the North, East, and South sides with Judges stand and Jury seats in the West. The gallery was held up by large iron posts. At this time (1955) some of these old iron posts are serving as porch posts at the home of Howard Williams West of town. On the first floor a passage way led around both sides of the steps and into a hall in the center of which led to the back of the building. On both sides of this hall were offices for the Sheriff, Clerk, and lawyers. Picture is from Miss Maie Alexanders Moorefields Oldest Htg. and Appl. dealer collection.'

12707. Old Courthouse on Main Street, Moorefield, W. Va.

View of the old Mullin Hotel in Moorefield. 'This picture was probably made about 1907-1908. The man on the steps is Mr. H. S. Carr, a well-known Moorefield lawyer. The man to his right with the can is Mr. Seymore who then owned the property on the Northeast corner of Winchester Avenue and Franklin Street.'

12708. Mullin Hotel, Moorefield, W. Va.