Search Results

The two unidentified women pal around during the class.

37. A Woman Puts a Decorative Necklace on her Associate at a Frozen Food Demonstration at the Girls' State 4-H Camp, Jackson's Mill, Lewis County, W. Va.

An unidentified woman pulls bags of frozen food from a nearby freezer in preparation for the demonstration to young, female campers.

38. A Woman Pulls Frozen Foods from a Freezer during a Frozen Food Demonstration at the Girls' State 4-H Camp, Jackson's Mill, Lewis County, W. Va.

Two unidentified women handle food during a demonstration for young, female campers.

39. Two Women during a Frozen Food Demonstration at the Girls' State 4-H Camp in Jackson's Mill, Lewis County, W. Va.

View overlooking the amphitheater and lawn at the State 4-H Campsite.

40. Amphitheater at Jackson's Mill, Lewis County, W. Va.

Fashionably dressed women stand beside each other in front of a stage. Subject unidentified.

41. Style Review at State 4-H Camp, Jackson's Mill, Lewis County, W. Va.

Two unidentified women show off their style.

42. Two Women Dress Up for the Style Review at the State 4-H Camp in Jacksons' Mill, Lewis County, W. Va.

Two fashionably dressed women converse on stage. Subjects unidentified.

43. Two Women at the Style Review at Jackson's Mill State 4-H Camp, Lewis County, W. Va.

An unidentified woman poses beneath the decorations set on stage.

44. Style Review at State 4-H Camp in Jackson's Mill, Lewis County, W. Va.

An unidentified woman poses on stage during the fashion show.

45. State Style Review at Jackson's Mill 4-H Camp, Jackson's Mill, Lewis County, W. Va.

A couple dances on stage. Subjects unidentified.

46. A Couple Dancing at the State Style Review at Jackson's Mill, Lewis County, W. Va.

Three women pose on stage during the fashion show. Subjects unidentified.

47. Models at the State Style Review in Jackson's Mill, Lewis County, W. Va.

An unidentified woman poses on stage.

48. A Model at the State Style Review in Jackson's Mill State 4-H Camp, Lewis County, W. Va.