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Side view of the bridge and new hotel.

13. Bridge to the New Webster Springs Hotel

Outing probably around Birch River.

14. Deer Hunters with their Take

Picture of a wooden building next to the Birch River.

15. Small Water Fall on the Birch River

Portrait of group in front of the hotel. Later became the Clifton Hotel.

16. Some of the Residents on the Porch of Gauley Central Hotel Camden on Gauley

Camden on Gauley was first known as Lanes Bottom.

17. Counter Men in a Store in Camden on Gauley

18. First Webster County Pig Club Member

Girl standing in between tall corn stalks.

19. County 4-H Corn Champion

Three musicians seated next to each other playing instruments. From left to right: Dan Friend (?), Grafton Lacey (?), Jack McElwain.

20. Glade District Fiddlers

Portrait of a posed group in the store that is currently Minnichs Florist. One daughter is Opal Williams, longtime teacher of Webster County.

21. Customers and Employees Inside the Case Store, Cowen W. Va.

Portrait of Lula Rose and a man on a carriage behind the Lemley Mills building and the Central Hotel.

22. Teacher Lula Rose with Unidentified Man in their Horse and Buggy, Cowen W. Va.

23. Mail Carrier beside his 1927 Chevrolet Roadster, Cowen, W. Va.

This portrait was probably taken near Hacker Valley, W. Va.

24. Transporting Logs Across a Wooden Rail Bridge