Search Results

A group of boys pose outside of Shorty Anderson's Auto Laundry. Text on back reads, "University Ave. Zackquill Morgan home on the right."

53089. Shorty Anderson Auto Laundry, Morgantown, W. Va.

A view of Anderson's barn with one man, several chickens, and two mules in front. Text on back reads, "Now the site of St. Mary's Catholic Church. A bum stayed in this barn one night and burned it down, killing all thirteen horses."

53090. Anderson's Barn, Star City, W. Va.

A view of the old Anderson home, located on University Avenue in Star City.

53091. Anderson House, Star City, W. Va.

From left to right: Campbell Gwinn-County Court, Van Trail- Assessor, Norman Shanklin-Sheriff, and Jim Williams-County Court.

53092. Van Trail at Summers County Court House, Hinton, W. Va.

53093. Morgantown High School Graduating Class, Morgantown, W. Va.

From left to right: Shirley Jeanne Farley, Margie Lois Farley, and Annette Sue Farley. Farm located on Bal Noble Road, Summers County, W. Va.

53094. Farley Children Feeding Chickens at the Victor Farley Farm, Summers County, W. Va.

Former Taylor home, located at 325 Maple Avenue in the South Park neighborhood of Morgantown.

53095. Former Home of Marvin Taylor, Morgantown, W. Va.

An early view of the site of the Morgantown Municipal Airport during construction. Text on back reads, "Municipal Airport: Road location from U. S. 119 - along second fence line."

53096. Municipal Airport, Morgantown, W. Va.

Man in prone position aiming machine gun down-range with other National Guard members in background.

53097. National Guard Exercise, Camp Picket, Va.

Text on back reads, " 'A' Runway from east side at Station 18 and 60. Rock base at north end being placed. Stock pile of surfacing materials."

53098. Construction of the Morgantown Municipal Airport, Morgantown, W. Va.

Man resting in tent number 22.

53099. National Guard Exercise, Camp Picket, Va.

From left to right: Giles, Van Trail standing outside of tent.

53100. National Guard Exercise, Camp Picket, Va.