Search Results

53809. Pearl Buck

53810. Pearl Buck

Caption on back reads: "Pearl Buck chatted with late President Kennedy at White House dinner for Nobel Prize winners in April 1962."

53811. Pearl S. Buck and John F. Kennedy

Pearl Buck poses for her new book, "China As I See It."

53812. Pearl Buck

53813. U.S.S. West Virginia

Back Row: unknown, Niskalas, Fonda, Collins, Payne, [illegible]Middle Row: Butt, McDonald, Otard, Crush, unknown, [illegible], Spiro, Fletcher, A. Alexander, Hurst, R. ThomasChief Patterson, Bos'n AnklerFirst Row: Creekmore, Edmunds, Ervin, Bozard, Ens. White, Lt. Compton, Lt. Rosenkrans, Day, [illegible], J. Thomas, Willis

53814. Section A3, District Intelligence Office of the U. S. Navy, Norfolk, V. A.

Caption reads: "Pike Street, US 50 looking East from intersection of South Fourth Street."

53815. Pike Street, Clarksburg, W. Va.

Caption reads: "Pike Street, US 50 looking East from intersection of South Fourth Street. Shows bus loading. Some buses make left turn here from loading platform on right side of Pike Street."

53816. Pike Street, Clarksburg, W. Va.

Caption reads: "West Pike Street, US 50 looking East at intersection with US 19 (Milford Street) and B and O Railroad Crossing."

53817. West Pike Street, Clarksburg, W. Va.

Caption reads: "West Pike Street, US 50 looking East at intersection with US 19 (Milford Street) and B and O Railroad Crossing."

53818. West Pike Street, Clarksburg, W. V.a

Caption reads: "US 19 looking North from intersection with US 50, West Pike Street at Adamston Underpass. "

53819. U.S. 19, Clarksburg, W. Va.

Caption reads: "Main Street, US 50 looking West from intersection of Third Street."

53820. Main Street, Clarksburg, W. Va.