Search Results

Children stand on porch in the snow outside of a barrack.

13. Miner's Children in front of Barracks, Howesville, W. Va.

14. Miner's Children in front of Barracks, Owings, W. Va.

Banner reads 'Local Union No. 4010, Owings, W. Va.'

15. Miners' Children in front of Barracks at Owings, W. Va.

16. Miner's Children in Front of Barracks, Watson, W. Va.

Children are standing under the clothes line.

17. Miner's Children in front of Barracks

18. Miners' Children in Front of Barracks, Grant Town, W. Va.

19. Child in Window of Barrack

Men, women, and children standing on hillside in Tunnelton, W. Va.

20. Miners and Family Members on a Hillside in Tunnelton, W. Va.

Group of women and children standing outside barracks.

21. Miner's Children

Children holding signs in the street.

22. Miner's Wife and and a Group of Children with Strike Sign

23. Miners and Family Members in front of Their Barracks

Children with two women and a man.

24. Mining Family and Guests