Search Results

A miner operates a full coal cart down the track coming from Mathies Mine.

25. Coal Train Emerging from Mathies Mine

Two men stand outside of New Cinderella, 1942, mine portal.

26. New Cinderella Coal Mine Entrance

Coal mine opening around the Fairmont region in Marion county. Line of filled coal cars with men and horses standing next to them.

27. Typical Coal Mine Entrance, Fairmont Region, Marion County, W. Va.

From Library of Congress, Farm Security Administration Collection.

28. Coal Miners Entering Tunnel No. 2, Maidsville, W. Va.

Mine could possibly be in Bergoo or Bolair, Webster County, W. Va.

29. Main Mine Opening at Mine Number 3

Mine could possibly be in Bergoo or Bolair, Webster County, W. Va.

30. Main Mine Opening at Mine Number 3

Mine located in Bergoo,Webster County, W. Va.

31. Man-Way Opening at Mine Number 5

32. Mine Entrance at Pardee and Curtin Lumber Company Bolair Mine #1, Webster County, W. Va.

Railroad tracks run into and around the mine opening.

33. Mouth of Mine at Glen Morrison, Wyoming County, W. Va.

Mine entrance where the revolting miners would have worked.

34. Blair Mountain; Slope Mine Opening; Ethel Hollow; Logan Co., W. Va.

35. Miners Gathered Around Outside of Truax Traer Coal Company Owned Mine on Kayford Mountain, Kanawha Co., W. Va.

36. Coal Miners Sit in Carts Being Pulled Into Mine at Truax Traer Coal Company Owned Mine on Kayford Mountain, Kanawha Co., W. Va.