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Miner operating a Joy loading machine.

25. Modern Joy Loading Machine

Miner operating a Joy loading machine.

26. Joy Loading Machine

Miner operating a Joy continuous mining machine.

27. Joy Manufacturing Company Continuous Mining Machine

Two miners work with a machine to undercut coal.

28. Miners Undercutting Coal with Machine

Cutting machine in operation at the Pocahontas Exhibition mine, Pocahontas Va. on the Norfolk and Western Railway. 'Permission is granted to reproduce this photograph only on condition that all reproduction shall bear the following credit line: Photograph by Norfolk and Western Railway.'

29. Cutting Machine in Operation at the Pocahontas Exhibition Mine, Pocahontas, Va.

Two miners at Pursglove No. 15 cut coal preparatory to shooting it down for loading.

30. Cutting Coal at Pursglove No. 15

Two miners work on putting in roof bolts in the Pittsburgh Seam. Timber jack used to hold the roof while bolting.

31. Miners Roof Bolting

Two miners next to an electric locomotive.

32. Miner on Electric Locomotive

Two miners put bolts in to the mine rood at Jamison No. 9.

33. Miners Roof Bolt Drilling in Jamison No. 9 Mine

Man in tram car in mine in the Winifrede Coal Seam, Kanawha County, W. Va. 'Geological Survey.'

34. Winifrede Coal Seam, Kanawha County, W. Va.

A very large cutting machine being operated by a miner. 'Credit must be given to William Vandivert, Not to be reproduced without written liscense.

35. Cutting Machine in Operation at Mine No. 32

'All White Oak mines are electrically equipped and of course this mining machine is operated by electricity. The machine is mounted and transported on a specially designed truck and moves under its own power from one working place to another. It is taken from the truck by the machine operator and his helper and moved to the place of the coal and place in cutting position as you see it in this picture. The machine consists of an endless chain with 'bits' inserted, which act as cutters. The machine cuts a 'kerf' or hole along the bottom of the coal about 4 inches high and extending back six feet under the coal. The fine coal made by this machine is what is commonly known as 'bug dust.' Cutting machines are operated at night and each machine is capable of cutting twenty places on each shift. These machines are operated on tonnage basis and these operators earn high wages.'

36. Mining Operating a Cutting Machine