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A soon to be graduate from WVU, wearing his gown, races on his motor bike to commencement.

1. Graduate on Route to Commencement, WVU

2. Commencement Reception, West Virginia University

Professor and students after graduation ceremony.

3. Commencement Group, West Virginia University

Graduates walk down Beechurst Avenue, across from Stansbury Hall.

4. Commencement Procession Down Beechurst Avenue, West Virginia University

5. Commencement Procession, West Virginia University

6. Graduates and Pickets at Commencement in Field House, West Virginia University

'Coming down the steps from below Elizabeth Moore Hall and Armstrong Hall to cross Beechurst Avenue, and go up steps into the Field House.'

7. Students Making their Way to Commencement, West Virginia University

Students entering the Field House for graduation.

8. Students Enter Field House for Commencement, West Virginia University, Morgantown, W. Va.

9. Students Lining up for Commencement, West Virginia University

10. Students Proceed to their Seats at Graduation, West Virginia University

Graduates in Field House.

11. Students Gather by Department for Commencement, West Virginia University

'Photo taken by Jack Hodge, first black West Virginia University graduate student.'

12. Students and Families at Commencement, West Virginia University