Search Results

13. Drawing of Conrad's Station, Nicholas County, W. Va.

14. Holy Family Church, School, Parochial Residence, and Sacred Heart Hospital in Richwood, Nicholas County, W. Va.

15. Aerial View of Richwood Looking West, Nicholas County, W. Va.

16. Pardee and Curtin Lumber Company, Curtin, W. Va.

17. Pardee and Curtin Lumber Company, Curtin, W. Va.

18. Curtin Lumber Mill, Randolph County, W. Va.

19. Curtin Lumber Yard, Randolph County, W. Va.

Men and boys pull cattle across railroad tracks.

20. Curtin Transfer Company, Curtin , W. Va.

'I received your card and letter all O.K. Was good to hear from you. I am wel and hope the same to you. If you can come over Saturday if it isn't too inconvenient to you. I will write you soon. Good bye, From Lala.' Sent to Mr. G. H. McGutchern, Mt. NEF, Nicholas County, W. Va. on May 7, 1915.'

21. High School Building, Summersville, W. Va.

22. Logs for Dodge Clothes Pin Factory, Richwood, W. Va.

23. Spectators Observe a River Baptism, Richwood, W. Va.

24. Hospital, Richwood, W. Va.