Search Results

Notes on back of photograph: "Uncle Edgar Lucher (3rd on porch), Uncle Ira Lucher (And first wife, who's name is unreadable), Uncle Sam Fordham and Clara Lucher (daughter of Aunt Nina)." Note the nets over the horses' ears to keep flies out.

97. Horse and Carriages Outside of Fisher's General Store, Grassy Creek, W. Va.

Sign in front of building reads: "Biggest commercial collection of W. Va. in the world! Hammrick's 100 Year Old Mummies. Wild Flower Collection. 160 year old wood lathe."

98. Museum of the Hills, Richwood, W. Va.

Sign on "Windmill" reads: "Separates chaff from grain and grades grain at the same time".

99. Two People Looking at a 'Windmill' in the Museum of the Hills, Richwood, W. Va.

100. Molds Used For Hand-Blown Glass or Blenko in the Museum of the Hills, Richwood, W. Va.

101. Main Street Looking North, Richwood, W. Va.

102. Richwood Boy Scouts, Richwood, W. Va.

(From postcard collection legacy system.)

103. Mr. Neil, Teacher, and Class; Nicholas Co., W. Va.

Published by Palace Studio. See original for correspondence. (From postcard collection legacy system.)

104. WM. F. Mosser Co. Tannery; Richwood, W. Va.

Published by Palace Studio. See original for correspondence. (From postcard collection legacy system.)

105. Cherry River Pulp and Paper Co.'s Mills; Richwood, W. Va.

(From postcard collection legacy system.)

106. Crupper Neck; Near Richwood, W. Va.

See origianl for correspondence. (From postcard collection legacy system.)

107. Sacred Heart Hospital; Richwood, W. Va.

See original for correspondence. (From postcard collection legacy system.0

108. Dam On North Fork of Cherry River; Richwood, W. Va.