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View of Henri Jean Mugler's home in Grafton, West Virginia.

1. Mugler Home in Grafton, W. Va.

Large residence on a hill in Grafton, W. Va. People standing on a porch.

2. Home in Grafton, W. Va.

Family of four children and mother sitting in the carriage.  Man standing with the horse.

3. Horse Drawn Carriage in front of Home in Grafton, W. Va.

4. Unidentified Home in Grafton, W. Va.

Houses in Grafton, W. Va. one with two porches and surrounded by a white picket fence.

5. Homes in Grafton, W. Va.

Picket fences line the front of these houses at Grafton, W. Va.

6. Houses at Grafton, W. Va.

Family relaxing outside in the sun.

7. Family in the Yard Outside their House in Grafton, W. Va.

Group of people stand outside the River House at Grafton, W. Va.

8. Dr. Shaw, the Peoples Dentist, at River House, Grafton, W. Va.

9. Stone House in Grafton, W. Va.

Wood frame houses line the Main Street in Grafton W. Va. during the 1860s.

10. Main Street, Grafton, W. Va.

Two story log cabin with covered entrance, the first house in Grafton, W. Va., built in 1811.  The first child born in Grafton was born here in 1847.

11. First House Built in Grafton, W. Va.

View of houses in Grafton, W. Va.

12. Grafton, W. Va.