Search Results

Virgie Cook Lilly and Etha Freeland Lilly pose beside a young Juanita Lilly.

1. Lilly Women on Surveyor's Branch, Summers County, W. Va.

Family members of James H. Miller are pictured on the sidewalk in front of a home.

2. Miller Women, Bellepoint, W. Va.

Ocie and Garnet Young, first cousins of Charles P. Wood, are pictured together.

3. Wesley Young's Daughters in Bertha, W. Va.

Three women sit inside a horse-drawn carriage. Their first names are unknown.

4. Female Relatives of J. D. Morris, Summers County, W. Va.

Pictured are relatives of J. D. Morris.

5. A Woman and her Toddler Outside of their Home in Summers County, W. Va.

The unidentified family members leans against her photo-covered piano.

6. Female Relative of J. D. Morris, Summers County, W. Va.

Pauline Barr and her mother Lydia Hanna Barr Ballangee dressed in nurses' whites as employees of Hopemont Hospital.

7. Pauline Barr and Lydia Hanna Barr Ballangee Hill

Cousins Donna and Judy Ann Sirk, sitting on the sofa with grandparents, James and Pauline Sirk.

8. Donna Sirk, James Bernie Sirk, Pauline Barr Sirk, and Judy Ann Sirk