Search Results

'The birthplace of Ike Ballard on the Handly Farm on September 12th, 1864. The house is in the upper right-hand corner. The apple tree near the center stood over the smoke house. The Old Stage Road is in the front.'

1. Split Rail Fence on Handly Farm, Monroe County, W. Va.

Ruins of a log house, once owned by Jesse Ellison, just before being torn down.

2. Log House on J.Z. Ellison Farm, Monroe County, W. Va.

3. Home of Lewis Larew, Monroe County, W. Va.

4. Mare and Colt on Johnson's Farm, Monroe County, W. Va.

A picture of a young farmer with livestock, 'low geared locomotion.'

5. Henry Dillon, Farm Worker, With Young Oxen on Ellison Farm

Dr. Messmore of  Brownsville, Pa. picking blackberries while on vacation at Ellison farm, Monroe County.

6. Dr. H. B. Messmore on Vacation at the Ellison Farm, Monroe County, W. Va.

7. Farm Near Red Sulphur Springs, Monroe County, W. Va.

Image of a steam engine, wood fired tractor rolling in front of J. Z. Ellison's sheep barn.

8. Steam Engine Tractor on John Z. Ellison's Farm, Monroe County, W. Va.

This image was development with cyanide, giving it a blue hue and is known as a cyanotype photograph. See original for correspondence. (From postcard collection legacy system.)

9. Bert Glenlaps Farm, Monroe Co., W. Va.

An unidentified church sits next to a farm field.

10. A View of Red Sulphur Springs, W. Va.