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37. Coal Cars Being Loaded

38. Western Maryland Coal Cars Filled with Coal

39. Western Maryland Coal Cars Filled with Coal

Car No. 50519 and 16311 with others around them.

40. Western Maryland Coal Cars Filled with Coal

Trains next to some houses and a store with cars parked in front of it.

41. Virginian Train Cars Loaded with Coal; Coal Company Store in Background

42. Western Maryland Coal Car No. 19659 Loaded with Coal

Filled coal car with houses visible in the background.

43. Western Maryland Coal Car No. 19120 Loaded with Coal

44. Western Maryland Coal Car No. 19120 Loaded with Coal

45. Western Maryland Coal Car No. 19659 Loaded with Coal

46. Coal Cars Loaded with Coal

Coal cars at tipple being loaded with coal.

47. Coal Cars Being Loaded

48. Coal Cars Filled with Different Grades of Coal