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Students at the annual high school triad held at Hotel Morgan.

37. Annual High School Triad at Hotel Morgan, Morgantown, W. Va.

Three high school students in a school play, possibly University High School.

38. High School Play, Morgantown, W. Va.

View of members of the University High School Future Farmers of America in Morgantown, W. Va preparing ham, bacon, and eggs for a Federation show. Members include: Arthur Thompson, Dale Fox, Charles Everly, William Brown, and David Ruth.

39. University High Future Farmers of America, Morgantown, W. Va.

View of members of Future Farmers of America posed holding 'Prize Ham and Bacon' Morgantown, W. Va.

40. Future Farmers of America Ham Judging Contest, Morgantown, W. Va.

View of members of the M.H.S. club Morgantown W. Va. from above. Members include, second row, Teresa Liberatore, Cathy Curry, Brenda Hood; third row, Carolyn Peluso, Emilene Palmer.

41. Morgantown High School Club Members, Morgantown, W. Va.

Triad Bowling Party after High School Graduation at Old Mountainlair.  Bowling far left is Jane McGinnis, at far right, Nancy Conrad.  Student visible in the background at left are Mary Harbert, Albert Lakatos, Don Ayresman, and Judy Helmick.

42. Triad Bowling Party, Morgantown, W. Va.

Back row, left to right, Georgia Smith, Math; Mary Whitman, Math.  Front Row, left to right, John Gwynn (MHS 1961, Princeton, 1965); Iris McClure, Physics.

43. Teachers and Student at Morgantown High School, Morgantown, W.Va.

Back row, unknown; Tom Burger; John Straub; Donna Albright; unknown.  Front Row, at far right, Carol Bokey.

44. Morgantown High School Students, Morgantown, W. Va.

'West Virginia University was host Saturday (Nov. 11) to the state's top High School Scholars, all semi-finalists in the National Merit Scholarship Competition. Among invited semi-finalists present was Judith Childs of Morgantown High School, Shown above at a luncheon in the new Mountainlair where the honor guests and their parents met members of the WVU administration and faculty. After the Luncheon, during which President James G. Harlow personally commended the students for thier academic achievements, the group toured the University's three Morgantown campuses. Pictured with Judith above left to right are: Mrs. Robert Dunbar; Judith's mother. Mrs. W. H. Childs and her father, Dr. Childs; and Dr. Dunbar. Dean of the College of Agriculture and Forestry.'

45. West Virginia University Honors Top High School Scholars, Morgantown, W. Va.

'West Virginia University was host Saturday (Nov. 11) to the state's top high school scholars, all semi finalist in the National Merit Scholarship competition. Among invited semifinalists present were Ralph Squire (left of Morgantown High School and Leslie Jellinek (second from left) of Elkins High School, shown above at a luncheon in the new Mountainlair where the honor guests and their parents met members of the WVU administration and faculty. After the luncheon, during which President James G. Harlow personally commended the students for their academic achievements the group toured the University's three Morgantown Campuses. Pictured with the two Merit semi-finalists above (left to right) are : their parents, Mrs. Harold L. Jellinek and Dr. Jellinek and William Squire.'

46. West Virginia University Honors Top High School Scholars, Morgantown, W. Va.

Group portrait outside of Morgantown High School Morgantown, W.Va.

47. Morgantown High School Irving Society, Morgantown W. Va.

David DeCarlo and unknown girl posed by brick wall at St. Francis in Morgantown W. Va.

48. DeCarlo, David at St. Francis School, Morgantown W. Va.