Search Results

13. Unidentified Group Portrait, W. Va.

Twins Anna and Stella White were the first women to earn Bachelor of Science degrees at WVU. Science degrees were especially attractive to women, who often had less secondary-level Latin and Greek languages needed for B.A.s--than their male peers. B.S. students took French or German. The White family moved to Morgantown from Ohio in 1886 They came, as did others, to give children access to higher education. In the 1890's all 6 White siblings (4 sons and the twins) attended WVU.

14. Portrait of Anna White in Cap and Gown

Pictured from left to right in the front is Nina Harrison, Edna Wyard, Maude Mann, Mrs. Bert Hout, Adie Gooch, Hazel Barnett, and Mrs. Allen Hill.In the back row, from left to right, is Mrs. Whanger, Elizabeth Miller, and Maud Jackson.

15. Women of First Methodist Church, Hinton, W. Va.

Dick pictured looking at a notice on a board. She was a member of the Women's Army Corps (WAC).

16. WAC Personnel Leatrus Dick from Summers County, W. Va.

Dick pictured on the telephone. She was a member of the Women's Army Corps (WAC).

17. WAC Personnel Leatrus Dick from Summers County, W. Va.

A group of unidentified women stand around a birthday cake dedicated to President Dwight D. "Ike" Eisenhower's birthday. In the background hangs a campaign poster to re-elect Eisenhower as president with Richard Nixon as his vice-president.

18. Republican Headquarters, Hinton, W. Va.

Mother of Elvera Fox Porterfield from the top of Pie Hollow. The Roach house is located in Talcott, W. Va.

19. Portrait of Effie Fox Roach

Grandmother of Elvera Fox Porterfield. Wife to David Fox.

20. Portrait of Virginia Martin Fox

Fox pictured in an elaborately decorated chair.

21. Portrait of Duchia Fox of Brooks, W. Va.

An unidentified woman standing in knee-high water with her pants rolled up holds her hand out with her thumb up as if signaling for a ride.

22. Woman Attempts to Hitchhike in Greenbrier River Flood Waters, Summers County, W. Va.

Wife of W. M. "Billy" Meador and mother to Luther, Foy, and Charles. Her nickname was "Em' Billie".

23. Emma Walker Meador

West Virginia University Women's Basketball Team member, Georgeann Wells dunks one in through the rim. In a 1984 contest against the University of Charleston, Wells was the first woman to dunk a basketball during a collegiate game.

24. Mountaineer Georgeann Wells Dunks Basketball