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Man on right wears a ribbon that says "Preston County Soldiers' Reunion July 2, 3, and 4 Kingwood, W. Va.".

109. Grand Army of the Republic, Civil War Veterans at Preston Co. Soldiers Reunion, Kingwood, W. Va.

110. D.M. Dickens Residence, Levels, Hampshire Co., W. Va.

Starting in the back row, from left to right, is Ervin Maxwell (center field), Joe McCarthey (pitcher), John Warhop (Wuahop) (pitcher), Oscar Whitlock (1st base), Will Turner (3rd base), Bob Turner (pitcher), Arthur Sydnor (left field), Elvin Wise (2nd base), Harry Starbuck (catcher), George Secrest (short stop), and John Hobbs (right field).John Warhop (Wuahop) threw the pitch that Babe Ruth hit for his first professional home run.

111. Hinton C. & O. Baseball Team Portrait, Hinton, W. Va.

Wyatt Morris pictured inside the cabin located on the west end of the city.

112. Telegraph Operator Inside C. W. Cabin, Hinton, W. Va.

Daughters of Thomas and Ellen Whitten Lilly pictured. Thomas was brother of James Lewis Lilly.

113. Grace and Vera Lilly of Madams Creek, Summers County, W. Va.

The first car ever purchased in the city was a two-cylinder Brush. John Lang, weighing 380 lbs., is pictured in the forefront. His associates are unidentified.

114. First Automobile with its First Passengers in Hinton, W. Va.

Photograph showing a scene of the Seneca neighborhood and the Monongahela River taken from the West Virginia University Campus, Morgantown, W. Va.

115. Seneca Neighborhood Through Trees Down Monongahela River From WVU Campus, Morgantown, W. Va.

A dog lays on the newly improved field outside of the school house.

116. School Grounds Improvement at Woodland School Grounds, Monongalia County, W. Va.

View of the school grounds from across the lawn.

117. School Grounds Improvement at the Metz School House in Marion County, W. Va.

A team portrait of the C. & O. baseball team.In the back from, from left to right, is Ervin Maxwell (center field); Joe McCarthey (pitcher); John Warhop (Wauhop) (pitcher); Ocar Whitlock (1st base); Will Turner (3rd base); and Bob Turner (pitcher).In the front is Arthur Sydnor (left field); Elvin Wise (2nd base); Harry Starbuck (catcher); George Secrest (short stop); and John Hobbs (right field). Warhop (Wauhop) pitched the ball that Babe Ruth hit for his first professional homer run.

118. Chesapeake & Ohio Baseball Team, Hinton, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.Four men are seen here standing inside Clapboard Mill.

119. Clapboard Mill, Blackwater Mill, Davis, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker Country during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.

120. Western Maryland Railway in Davis, W. Va.