Search Results

People gather across the pews as they await the showing of animals for sale.

109. Alderson Livestock Market, Alderson, W. Va.

View from the exterior of the market building. Automobiles are seen carting animals away through the crowded road.

110. Alderson Livestock Market, Alderson, W. Va.

McLaughlin, pictured on the right, speaks with two of his Alderson High School players. He coached and taught at the school from 1936 to 1962.

111. Coach Abe McClaughlin and Two Players, Alderson, W. Va.

Portrait of the Alderson High School football coach. McLaughlin coached and taught at the school from 1936 to 1962.

112. Coach Abe McClaughlin, Alderson, W. Va.

Exterior of the house pictured. The house was builtin 1815 in Muddy Creek, Greenbrier Valley.

113. Jarrett's Home, Alderson, W. Va.

Man poses by his horse drawn carriage. He was killed on July 14, 1919 near the Red Bank in the Forest Hill district.

114. Assyrian Peddler

Man pictured in front of the buggy is John W. Willey.

115. Avis City Hall near Hinton, W. Va.

Portrait of Cook in uniform at Ft. Jackson, South Carolina.

116. George W. Cook from Hinton, W. Va.

A crowd gathers around the new Ford automobiles parked in front of the store lot.

117. Garten Motors in Avis, near Hinton, W. Va.

Photo of the car lot exhibiting Ford vehicles.

118. Garten Motors in Avis Near Hinton, W. Va.

Looking south east at the rail road bridge by the Bluestone Dam construction.

119. Old Swimming Hole Behind Moose Lodge, Hinton, W. Va.

The area was the location of the H&N parking lot in 1987.

120. O. L. Hoover, Avis Near Hinton, W. Va.