Search Results

Monongalia County Building and Loan Association.  District: Fifth Ward.  From Whom Acquired: Wade, Mary O.  Address of Property: Corner of Charles Avenue & East End Avenue.  Description: Lot 1 Bk 6 Hodges Addition  79.9 x 50'.  Improvements: Dwelling, five rooms and bath, frame construction, tin roof.

109. Home located on Corner of Charles and East End Avenues, Morgantown, Monongalia County, W. Va.

Monongalia County Building and Loan Association.  District: First Ward.  From Whom Acquired: Shuman & McCue #4.  Address of Property: 665 Madigan Avenue, Morgantown.  Description: Lot 34, 35, 36 Bk G Lawnwood-40 x 100' each.  Improvements: Dwelling, six rooms and bath, frame construction, composition roof, furnace, garage.

110. Home located at 665 Madigan Avenue, Morgantown, W. Va.

Monongalia County Building and Loan Association.  District: Fifth Ward.  From Whom Acquired: Linger, Adam S.  Address of Property: 195 Parson Street.  Description: Lot # 10 Bk 66 Z & R Add. 36 x 56'.  Improvements: Dwelling, six rooms and bath, frame construction, tin roof.

111. Home located at 195 Parson Street, Morgantown, W. Va.

Monongalia County Building and Loan Association.  District: Morgan.  From Whom Acquired: Bencze, Julia.  Address of Property: South Sabraton (Morgan).  Description: Lots 28 & 29 Bk N.  Improvements: Dwelling, six rooms and bath, brick construction, composition roof.

112. Home located in South Sabraton, W. Va.

Monongalia County Building and Loan Association.  District: Second Ward.  From Whom Acquired: Morgantown Security & Dev. Co. # 2.  Address of Property: 622 Brandon Street.  Description: Lot 12 Bk 2 East 1/2 Lot 11 Bk 2.  Improvements: Dwelling, six rooms and bath, frame construction, composition roof.

113. Home located at 622 Brandon Street, Morgantown, W. Va.

Monongalia County Building and Loan Association.  District: Second Ward.  From Whom Acquired: Morgantown Security & Dev. Co. # 4.  Address of Property: 608 Hobson Street.  Description: Lot 4 Bk 2 Homeside 35 x 50'.  Improvements: Dwelling, six rooms and bath, frame construction, composition roof, furnace.

114. Home located at 608 Hobson Street, Morgantown, W. Va.

Monongalia County Building and Loan Association.  District: Second Ward.  From Whom Acquired: Morgantown Security & Dev. Co. # 2.  Address of Property: Corner of Wilson Avenue & Overdale Street.  Description: Lot 1 Bk B Homeside.  Improvements: Store room with apartment of four rooms and bath above, frame construction, composition roof.

115. Home located at the Corner of Wilson Avenue and Overdale Street, Morgantown, W. Va.

Monongalia County Building and Loan Association.  District: Fourth Ward.  From Whom Acquired: Shuman & McCue # 2.  Address of Property: University Avenue & Stewart Street.  Description: Lot Stewart Street & University Avenue (Three Bldgs.)  Improvements: Dwelling, three apartments, frame construction, composition roof, one-seven room, one-six room and one-three room apartment in basement.

116. Home located at University Avenue & Stewart Street, Morgantown, W. Va.

Monongalia County Building and Loan Association.  District: Fifth Ward.  From Whom Acquired: Shuman & McCue # 5.  Address of Property: 10 Mansion Avenue.  Description: Lot 2 Bk F East View 40 x 100'.  Improvements: Dweling, five rooms and bath, frame construction, composition roof, furnace.

117. Home located at 10 Mansion Avenue, Morgantown, W. Va.

Monongalia County Building and Loan Association.  District: Star City.  From Whom Acquired: Anderson, Peter A.  Address of Property: First Avenue, Star City.  Description: Lot 100 x 246' First Avenue & Main Street.  Improvements: Dwelling, five rooms, frame construction, composition roof.

118. Home located on First Avenue, Star City, W. Va

View of H. G. Kump's residence in Elkins.

119. Residence of H. G. Kump, Elkins, W. Va.

View of former senator Troy E. Hardman in Elkins.

120. Residence of Troy E. Hardman, Elkins, W. Va.