Search Results

Houses lined in distinct rows cover the hillside.Bobby Meadows, son of Ramona and Robert Meadows, had grandparents that lived here. His grandmother's name was Edna Meadows.

1201. Hump Mountain Coal Company Housing, Summers County, W. Va.

Ground view of the tipple structure.

1202. Hump Mountain coal Company Tipple, Summers County, W. Va.

Sam Pollock, pictured on the far right with with a dog, poses with his hunting associates in front of their game.

1203. Hunting Party in Summers County, W. Va.

The original cabin, to the right, and a grand addition, on the left, are pictured. The Hutchinson family was the earliest settling family in the Forest Hill District near the Greenbrier River.

1204. Hutchinson Pioneer Original Cabin and Addition, Forest Hill, W. Va.

View of the home from across the field. The Hutchinson family was the earliest settler in the Forrest Hill District near the Greenbrier River.

1205. Hutchinson Home, Forest Hill, W. Va.

View of the home from across the field. The Hutchinson family was the earliest settler in Forest Hill District near the Greenbrier River.

1206. Pioneering Hutchinson Family Home, Forest Hill District, W. Va.

The home is pictured next to the river which flows toward the mouth of Indian Creek.

1207. Dixon Manor House On the Banks of New River, Summers County, W. Va.

The river is pictured in the distance across the valley.

1208. Mouth of Indian Creek at New River, Summers County, W. Va.

The river cuts through the valley as it heads toward the creek.

1209. Overlooking New River Near the Mouth of Indian Creek, Summers County, W. Va.

Aerial view of the mill and grounds.

1210. Indian Mills, Summers County, W. Va.

Home built by Dr. Ryan. Small building in the background is Dr. Trail's office. Behind the office is A. T. Whitlock Store, which closed later in the 1930's.

1211. Trail Home and Office at Indian Mills, Summers County, W. Va.

W. M. Arrington stands beside the wagon with his dog, Rex. James Freeman is pictured on top of the wagon which is being pulled by two large horses.

1212. Two Men With Wagon Full of Hay near Indian Creek, Summers County, W. Va.