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Cooper, left, and DeWitt, right, pose together for a photo during their senior year at Terra Alta High School.

1213. Paul R. Cooper and Sarah Lou DeWitt, Terra Alta, W. Va.

DeWitt, left, and Cooper, right, pose outside of Terra Alta High School during their senior year.

1214. Sara Lou DeWitt with Paul R. Cooper Outside of High School, Terra Alta, W. Va.

Candid photograph of DeWitt during her senior year at Terra Alta High School.

1215. Sara Lou DeWitt, Terra Alta, W. Va.

Photo of DeWitt during her senior year at the high school.

1216. Sarah Lou DeWitt Outside of Terra Alta High School, Terra Alta, W. Va.

Cooper pictured during his freshman year at Terra Alta High School.

1217. Paul Cooper during Freshman Week, Terra Alta, W. Va.

DeWitt relaxes on the grass during her senior year at Terra Alta High School.

1218. Sarah Lou DeWitt Sitting on Lawn, Terra Alta, W. Va.

Portrait of DeWitt during her senior year at Terra Alta High School.

1219. Sara Lou DeWitt, Terra Alta, W. Va.

DeWitt pictured during her senior year at Terra Alta High School.

1220. Sarah Lou DeWitt in Swimsuit, Terra Alta, W. Va.

Carrol was a football coach at Terra Alta High School.

1221. Coach Fred Carroll, Terra Alta, W. Va.

Coach Fred Carrol, left, watches as his football players run a play.

1222. Terra Alta High School Football Team Practice, Terra Alta, W. Va.

Sisler poses in his football uniform.

1223. Terra Alta High School Football Player Arthur Sisler, Terra Alta, W. Va.

Fred Carrol, top left, poses with his football players, including Arthur Sisler (No. 9), Frank Lambert (No. 3), Richard Fraley (No. 18), and Paul R. Cooper, Jr. (No. 17).

1224. Terra Alta High School Football Team, Terra Alta, W. Va.