Search Results

Standing from left to right is Clarence E.; B. Frank; Vernal S.; and William G. Front row from left to right is Walter S.; Ellery C.; and Atchless Murat Long.

1273. C. & O. Employees and Long Brothers Gather for Mother's Death, Summers County, W. Va.

Vada Gaines Lively, Harry Lively's daugher, is pictured between the tracks.

1274. C. & O. Bridge in Lowell, W. Va.

An unidentified man walks along the track. To the left is Lowell hotel. Also to the left is Bill Eades home and O. E. Miller's store.

1275. Man Walking on C. & O. Railroad Tracks Just Below Lowell Depot, Lowell, W. Va.

Rolling hills seen in the distance. Greenbrier River slightly pictured on the left.

1276. Overlooking the Greenbrier River Valley in Summers County, W. Va.

Mountains and hills are pictured in the distance. Small farms scatter across the valley.

1277. Greenbrier River Valley near Lowell, W. Va.

Looking over the valley surrounded by rolling hills and mountains. Houses and farms scatter across the valley.

1278. Hillside View of Greenbrier River Valley near Lowell, W. Va.

1279. View of the Greenbrier River Winding Through Greenbrier River Valley near Lowell, W. Va.

Mr. McDonald is pictured on the staircase leading up to the office entrance.

1280. Telegraph Operator at GN Station, Lowell, W. Va.

Workers scatter across the construction site. Cranes helps lift supplies onto the bridge. A train is pictured on top of the bridge, perhaps bringing in additional supplies.

1281. Rebuilding C. & O. Railroad Bridge Over Greenbrier River at Lowell, W. Va.

Looking at the hotel from across the river. The hotel consists of 22 rooms.

1282. Lowell Hotel, Lowell, W. Va.

The Gray's hold on to baby Willard's hands.

1283. Martin & Rose Gray with Son by Cliff at Tug Creek Hollow, Summers County, W. Va.

Rose with the advertisement on the south-side of Hinton near mouth of Madam's Creek.

1284. "Shannon" Rose with Rose's Drug Store Advertisement, Hinton, W. Va.