Search Results

12913. Point Breeze Farm House, Bethany, W. Va.

12914. Point Breeze Farm House, Bethany, W. Va.

12915. Hanging Rocks, Hardy County, W. Va.

12916. Point Breeze Farm House, Bethany, W. Va.

12917. Point Breeze Farm House, Bethany, W. Va.

12918. Point Breeze Farm House, Bethany, W. Va.

'This view is taken somehwhat to the right of the preceding one. Upon the advice of our landscape artist, the small tree in the center has been moved. Snow ball bushes are seen at the left. A sugar maple at extremem left. Notice the attractive shrubbery close to the house.'

12919. Point Breeze Farm House, Bethany, W. Va.

'The port-cochere is completely hidden by two graceful, little sugar maples which are in line in this picture. On the right is a large sugar maple. In the group on the left are white birch, Spruce, red-bud and poplar. This picture shows the charming view one has from the breakfast room, indicated by white bay-windows.'

12920. Point Breeze Farm House, Bethany, W. Va.

'This picture is taken to the left and closer to the house than that on the page opposite. Owing to defects in the negative, the tops of the trees do not show. Thier graceful contour is shown in the picture opposite. At the left is the rear porch, leading to the kitchen.'

12921. Point Breeze Farm House, Bethany, W. Va.

'This is the view one gets of the house as one walks up from the lily pond. The large elm on the left is one of a group of four trees of this species. Scarcely distinguishable and seemingly under it is a European liden. In the foreground on the right is a spruce. The shubbery hides the gravel walk from the road to the house. As one enters the main hall from the verandah, on the right is the library, on the left the drawingroom. Facing this way, on the floor above, are two large bedrooms with a bath between. The house is roomy and comfortable, in every sense a home. It has been well kept up.'

12922. Point Breeze Farm House, Bethany, W. Va.

View of old Byers home on the corner of Main Street and Duke Street in Shepherdstown.<br />

12923. Byers Home, Shepherdstown, W. Va.

'This is the Point Breeze Gate. Down to the right (this side the hedge) runs the road to Wheeling,  through the farm and past the barns. The tracks of the street car line from Wellsburg to Bethany are seen in the foreground. This side the tracks is the virtified brick road, a state highway between the two places.'

12924. Point Breeze Gate, Bethany, W. Va.