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View of the Point Breeze pond, where the water lilies grow, in Bethany.

12925. Pond on Point Breeze Farm, Bethany, W. Va.

'This is a tennant house with barns on the left used for housing machinery and hogs. The trees faintly seen in the background are in large part Point Breeze woods across Buffalo creek. The road is the one to Wheeling. The picture is taken from the cow barn.'

12926. Point Breeze Tennant House, Bethany, W. Va.

'Three of the buildings near the house. Discernable through the trees at the right is the gable of what is called a lodge. It is built of brick, two stories and basement of one upper room each. The upper floor is used as a servants' quarters. The main floor is now used as a storeroom. In the basement is located the Delco electric light plant. The brick building in the center is the smoke house. To the left is a frame structure which has been used as a dwelling by the care-taker. It has running water in it. The ribbon of road leads to the garage off the left.'

12927. Point Breeze Care-Takers Home Bethany, W. Va.

'The Point Breeze tractor at work with a binder in a bottomland wheat field -- and the wheat sold for $2.12 a bushel!'

12928. Tractor at Work on Point Breeze Farm, Bethany, W. Va.

'This is the Point Breeze horse barn. The ground slopes away, and there are additional stalls above ground in the rear, not used now becasue so much farm works is done by the tractor. The water trough at the corner is supplied by the farm's water system from never-failing springs.'

12929. Point Breeze Horse Barn, Bethany, W. Va.

'As in the case of the horse barn, the cow barn opposite is deceptive as to its size. The ground falls away, and the cows enter thier concrete-floored, modern stable at either side. Forty cows are now comfortably housed there. The part of the barn seen in the picture is devoted to the storing of hay and machinery. On the left is the big concrete silo. A small structure in line with the left corner of the barn is a shed in which milk cans are set out to air. The fence in the foreground separates the field from the road to wheeling. This picture was taken a few yards from the horse barn. The tenant house, already pictured, is about fifty yards to the left. The magnificent hills which form such a picturesque background do not show up in this picture.'

12930. Point Breeze Horse Barn, Bethany, W. Va.

12931. Model T Ford Parked by Spring House on Point Breeze Farm, Bethany, W. Va.

'Here is a July Scene. The ice house is filled with nine-inch ice from this pond.'

12932. Pond at Point Breeze Farm, Bethany, W. Va.

'The picture shows the lily pond and the well-wooded lawn, looking toward the house.'

12933. Lily Pond at Point Breeze Farm, Bethany, W. Va.

'A smiling wheat field with Point Breeze woods beyond.'

12934. Wheat Stacks in a Field at Point Breeze Farm, Bethany, W. Va.

12935. Garage at Point Breeze Farm, Bethany, W. Va.

12936. Group Portrait of Students in Front of Greenbrier Military School, Greenbrier County, W. Va.