Search Results

'Poultry house of Mr. C. D. Rice, R.F.D. 1, Ravenwood. A two-storied poultry house, 12' x 24' that is worthy of being used as a model by others in Jackson County desiring this type of house. One hundred fifty fowls are kept in this house.Total income, 1913, $259.25.' From photo album labeled 'Stewart A. Cody, County Agent, Jackson County, 1912.'

13081. C. D. Rice's Poultry House, Jackson County, W. Va.

'Interior of first floor of Mr. C. D. Rice's poultry house. The birds are fed on this floor in the winter. The nests are also on this floor while the perches are on the second floor.' From photo album labeled 'Stewart A. Cody, County Agent, Jackson County, 1912.'

13082. Interior of C. D. Rice's Poultry House, Jackson County, W. Va.

A simple shed-roof poultry house, 10' x 31' with nests and perches. From photo album labeled 'Stewart A. Cody, County Agent, Jackson County, 1912.'

13083. George Sennett's Poultry House, Jackson County, W. Va.

Cars parked along the 200 Block, on the North Side of West German Street in Shepherdstown.

13084. West German Street, Shepherdstown, W. Va.

13085. 100 Block of East and West German Street, Shepherdstown, W. Va.

13086. Corner of West German and North King Streets, Shepherdstown, W. Va.

13087. Corner of West German and North Church Streets, Shepherdstown, W. Va.

'Poultry house of Mr. J. R. Backer, Angerona. One hundred twenty-five fowls are housed in this house, 8'6" x 16'4" with shed 10' x 25'. Tin roof. Shed had three openings in the front 2'10" x 7'4".' From photo album labeled 'Stewart A. Cody, County Agent, Jackson County, 1912.'

13088. Poultry House, Jackson County, W. Va.

13089. Corner of East German and King Streets, Shepherdstown, W. Va.

13090. Public Library at Town Square, German and King Streets, Shepherdstown, W. Va.

13091. 100 Block on the South Side of East German Street, Shepherdstown, W. Va.

13092. 100 Block on the South Side of East German Street, Shepherdstown, W. Va.