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'A view of a farm in Jackson Run. This farm stands out from its neighbors because of its neatness. Notice the trim, white washed poultry house to the left.' From photo album labeled 'Stewart A. Cody, County Agent, Jackson County, 1912.'

13105. Family Farm, Jackson County, W. Va.

'Carrying a pail of eggs to Cottageville, the lad had a pail of fine, white eggs but he didn't know what kind of chickens produced them.' From photo album labeled 'Stewart A. Cody, County Agent, Jackson County, 1912.'

13106. Farm Child, Jackson County, W. Va.

'Mr. Casto of Given, W. Va. hauling eggs and live poultry to Evans where buyers purchase the same and load in car for shipment to Ravenwood.' From photo album labeled 'Stewart A. Cody, County Agent, Jackson County, 1912.'

13107. Hauling Eggs and Live Poultry, Jackson County, W. Va.

'Poultry house of Mr. W. A. McMurray, Silerton, W. Va. Thiry-five fowls are housed in this 10' x 12' house. The use of galvanized roofing on poultry houses as well as other farm buildings is general throughout the county. It seems to have the preference over paper roofing with the majority of farmers.' From photo album labeled 'Stewart A. Cody, County Agent, Jackson County, 1912.'

13108. Poultry House, Jackson County, W. Va.

'Mr. J. C. Gardner of Given, R.F.D. with a load of poultry and eggs at Evans.' From photo album labeled 'Stewart A. Cody, County Agent, Jackson County, 1912.'

13109. Transporting Poultry and Eggs, Jackson County, W. Va.

'The Ohio River, showing the town of Ravenwood and the bottom land of the West Virginia side. This bottom land is most noticeable from Muses bottom to the Schoolhouse.' From photo album labeled 'Stewart A. Cody, County Agent, Jackson County, 1912.'

13110. Ohio River, Jackson County, W. Va.

An unidentified individual stands next to a full flowing C&O Canal in Maryland, across from Shepherdstown, West Virginia.

13111. Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Across Potomac River from Shepherdstown, W. Va.

'The residence of Mr. O. M. Stone. This house was built from the proceeds of the sales of eggs on this farm. The two girls add $100 to the family purse by washing and grading the eggs.' From photo album labeled 'Stewart A. Cody, County Agent, Jackson County, 1912.'

13112. Home of O. M. Stone, Jackson County, W. Va.

'A method of taking poultry to the market that is very common among farmers living within a distance of one or two miles of the country store, particularly those that did not own a horse.' From photo album labeled 'Stewart A. Cody, County Agent, Jackson County, 1912.'

13113. Taking Poultry to the Market, Jackson County, W. Va.

'Oldest House in West Virginia-This is believed to be the oldest house within the bounds of West Virginia. It was erected, according to the best information available, somewhere between 1727 and 1732, and was the home of the first miller to locate in the new town of Mecklenburg, as Shepherdstown was first called.'

13114. Historic House, Shepherdstown, W. Va.

Large monument in Rumseyan Park.

13115. Rumseyan Park, Shepherdstown, W. Va.

'Mr. Abe Price's Store, Cottageville. This store handles from ten to forty cases of eggs a week, in addition to several coops of chicken.' From photo album labeled 'Stewart A. Cody, County Agent, Jackson County, 1912.'

13116. Price's Store, Jackson County, W. Va.