Search Results

Boone County Marker stands on the US Route 119.  The marker reads: Boone County--Formed in 1847 from Cabell, Kanawha and Logan.  Named for Daniel Boone noted hunter and explorer whose home was in the Great Kanawha Valley from 1788 to 1795.  In 1791 he was a member of the Virginia Assembly from Kanawha county.

121. Boone County Marker on US Route 119, W. Va.

The marker of Rollins College, Florida's oldest institution of higher education.

122. Rollins College, Florida Historic Marker

The historic marker of Lebanon, Missouri.

123. Lebanon, Missouri Historic Marker

'This Canal goes from Cumberland, Md. to Hancock, Md. and taken by John Jacob on his wedding trip.'

124. Mules Pulling a Boat On the C. & O. Canal, Hancock, Md.

Toddler seated on a cushioned chair.

125. Baby Portrait of Blanch Summers

126. Joseph Summers and Wallace Hauser

127. Theodore Miller and Joe Summers, Tucker County, W. Va.

Two little girls pose for portrait.

128. Jennie and Lura Summers, Morgantown, W.Va.

Brothers of Fannie Summers prepare to rough house.

129. Boxers Billie Welsher and Daw Knapp, Moore, W. Va.

Front Row: Mr. Peters, Joseph Summers, Olive Tachridge. Back Row: Nettie Kisner, Harry Kisner and Miss. Car.

130. Friends and Family Group Portrait, William, W.Va.

"Fell from a folder stack and broke his neck. Born Nov 2, 1847 and dies Nov 28, 1907 on Thanksgiving day."

131. Caleb Summers

Cousin of Fannie Summers

132. Charlie Sunader, Tucker County, W. Va.