Search Results

13309. Traffic on U. S. 52-119 in Williamson, Mingo County, W. Va.

School Buses in front of High School at Lenore, W. Va.

13310. High School, Lenore, Mingo County, W. Va.

Opening of the Wagon and Truck Mine located about opposite the mouth of Camp Branch west of Dingess.

13311. Entrance to a Wagon and Truck Mine, Mingo County, W. Va.

Wagon and Truck Mine, now in operation, located about opposite the mouth of Camp Branch west of Dingess, W. Va.

13312. Miners at a Wagon and Truck Mine, Mingo County, W. Va.

Coal Mine, now in operation, located about opposite the mouth of Camp Branch west of Dingess, W. Va. The coal from this mine is being handled by wagons and trucks.

13313. Distant View of a Wagon and Truck Mine, Mingo County, W. Va.

Truck mine on County Road up East Fork of Twelve Pole Creek, one mile above East Lynn.

13314. Truck Mine, Mingo County, W. Va.

Camera in improved county road, looking northwest, opposite MP-506, about 1 1/4 miles east of Breeden, W. Va.

13315. Gas Station on a County Road Leading into Breeden, Mingo County, W. Va.

Abandoned coal operation on the west side of the highway and railroad, at Kirk, W. Va. looking west.

13316. Abandoned Coal Operation, Mingo County, W. Va.

Stone quarry and crusher operated by County Road Department in Mingo County, W. Va. MP-500 + 700-ft., about 1 1/2  miles west of Dingess, W. Va.

13317. Stone Quarry and Heltzel Stone Crusher, Mingo County, W. Va.

'One half mile west of Lenore, W. Va. looking south, August 26. 1932.'

13318. Road and Railroad Tracks Leading into Lenore, Mingo County, W. Va.

13319. Store and Post Office, Hale W. Va.

Canterbury, W. Va. looking west.

13320. Railroad Tracks at Canterbury, W. Va.