Search Results

13513. Farm at West Virginia Penitentiary, Marshall County, W. Va.

13514. West Virginia Industrial School for Colored Boys Baseball Team, Mason County, W. Va.

13515. Population Chart of West Virginia Penitentiary 1915-1930, Marshall County, W. Va.

13516. West Virginia Penitentiary Population Chart, Marshall County, W. Va.

13517. Prison Wall at West Virginia Penitentiary, Marshall County, W. Va.

Group of boys at the West Virginia Industrial School for Colored Boys and their instructor work on fixing an automobile and a lawnmower together.

13518. Workshop at the West Virginia Industrial School for Colored Boys , Mason County, W. Va.

13519. Cell Block in West Virginia Penitentiary, Marshall County, W. Va.

13520. West Virginia Penitentiary Truck and Trailer, Marshall County, W. Va.

Two young boys look after and feed the chickens at the West Virginia Industrial School for Colored Boys.

13521. Boys Holding Chickens at West Viriginia Industrial School for Colored Boys, Mason County, W. Va.

13522. Inmates and Guards in Yard at West Virginia Penitentiary, Marshall County, W. Va.

Unidentified man standing at the mouth of Organ Cave. Organ Cave is the second largest commercial cave in the United States. During the Civil War, Confederate General Robert E. Lee ordered the Organ Cave, among others, to be mined for nitre, which was needed to make gunpowder.

13523. Entrance to Organ Cave, Greenbrier County, W. Va.

13524. West Virginia Industrial School for Colored Boys Swimming Pool, Mason County, W. Va.