Search Results

13549. Barn at the West Virginia Industrial School for Colored Boys, Mason County, W. Va.

13550. Rear View of the Administration Building, West Virginia Industrial School for Colored Boys, Mason County, W. Va.

13551. Dairy Herd and Barn at West Virginia Industrial School for Colored Boys, Mason County, W. Va.

13552. West Virginia Industrial School for Colored Boys, Mason County, W. Va.

13553. Farm at the West Virginia Industrial School for Colored Boys, Mason County, W. Va.

13554. Superintendent and Staff of the West Virginia Industrial School for Colored Boys, Mason County, W. Va.

13555. Garden at West Virginia Penitentiary, Marshall County, W. Va.

'West Virginia State Hospital For Colored Insane: C.C. Barnett, M.D. Superintendent. This institution is located at Lakin, Mason County, about nine miles up the Ohio River, from Point Pleasant, and is reached by the Ohio River Division of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, or by bus or auto over State Route 62. Number of patients on June 30, 1930 was 342.'

13556. Lakin State Hospital Campus, Mason County, W. Va.

13557. Women's Ward Building, Lakin State Hospital, Mason County, W. Va.

13558. Cow Barn at State Hospital for Colored Insane, Mason County, W. Va.

Superintendent and staff pose for a group portrait in front of the State Hospital for Colored Insane, Mason County, West Virginia.

13559. Superintendent and Staff of State Hospital for Colored Insane, Mason County, W. Va.

13560. Medical and Nursing Staff of Lakin State Hospital, W. Va.