Search Results

The old Handley Farm where Isaac Newton Ballard was born.

13741. Handley Farm, Monroe County, W. Va.

People gather for a June meeting held at the Indian Creek Primitive Baptist Church in Greenville. In this picture: 'Helen, 'Toots' (Ernestine Wysocha,) and 'Evie' (Evelyn Somers.)'

13742. June Meeting, Indian Creek Primitive Baptist Church, Greenville, Monroe County, W. Va.

Dr. Margaret B. Ballard waiting to meet Ike and Mamie at Hot Springs, Virginia.

13743. Ballard, Margaret B. Waiting for the Train at Hot Springs, Va.

Margaret B. Ballard holds a testimonial from the Second English Lutheran Church.

13744. Testimonial, Monroe County, W. Va.

A portrait of Leah Mann Ballard, wife of Baldwin Ballard.

13745. Ballard, Leah, Monroe County, W. Va.

13746. Ballard-Clark, Helen in her Kitchen, Monroe County, W. Va.

A portrait of Leah Mann Ballard.

13747. Ballard, Leah, Monroe County, W. Va.

A portrait of Lewis 'Uncle Dock' Ballard, brother of Baldwin, John, Riley, and Frank Ballard.

13748. Ballard, Lewis, Monroe County, W. Va.

A portrait of Margaret Ballard. 'This was one of my mistakes in having photos made.'

13749. Ballard, Margaret B., Monroe County, W. Va.

'Isn't the baby cute? - Maggie, Helen and unknown friend of Uncle William and Aunt Lottie.'

13750. Ballard Sisters and Friends, Monroe County, W. Va.

William Ballard Lingo, II and his Little Brother Paul, Sons of William Ballard and Lena (Cook) Lingo, Monroe County, W. Va.

13751. Lingo Brothers, Monroe County, W. Va.

A portrait of William Lingo, Sr.

13752. William B. Lingo, Sr. of Monroe County, W. Va.