Search Results

A view of the Old Rehoboth Church in Union.

13753. Old Rehoboth Church, Monroe County, W. Va.

'James M. Byrnside's store building in Union (about 1850.) Now the Bank of Monroe, July 1962.  (The Bank of Monroe was in building - John Rowan, attorney and the Monroe Watchman have occupied this old building.')

13754. Byrnside Store Building, Monroe County, W. Va.

May Ballard sits on a porch with her two daughters, Maggie and Helen.

13755. Ballard Family, Monroe County, W. Va.

A group portrait with, from top and counter-clockwise, Maggie Ballard, Hellen Ballard, Ellen Spangler, and Florence Spangler.

13756. Ballard Family, Monroe County, W. Va.

'The old school house at the Grimm place at the cave.'

13757. Old School House, Monroe County, W. Va.

People gather for Dwight D. Eisenhower's visit to Hot Springs.  Ike and Mamie Eisenhower walking away from camera in distance in center of photo.

13758. Eisenhower Visit to Hot Springs, Va.

President Eisenhower and wife walk alongside a train car.

13759. President Dwight and Mamie Eisenhower Visit Hot Springs, Va.

A view of Lewis 'Dock' Ballard's home near Lindside. 'It was in the chimney corner of this house that Lige Wickline's sheep that he had bought from Mr. Fleshman died. I know it never done that way before or Mr. Flashman would have told me.'

13760. Lewis Ballard Home, Monroe County, W. Va.

A view of Lewis 'Uncle Dock' Ballard's home near Lindside

13761. Lewis Ballard Home, Monroe County, W. Va.

Ike Ballard sitting on a mule.

13762. Ike Ballard in Palestine during His Tour of the Holy Land

A group portrait taken in San Francisco, California. 'In the group on the left- 1, Isaac Ballard; 2, Chas. Lingo; 3, May Ballard; 4, Maggie Ballard; 5, Helen Ballard.'

13763. Members of the Ballard Family in San Francisco, California

13764. Howard Miller, Ike Ballard, and Helen Ballard Clark Out Berry Picking, Monroe County, W. Va.