Search Results

Isaac Newton Ballard aged 92-94 years.

13765. Isaac Newton Ballard, Greenville, Monroe County, W. Va.

13766. Humpback Covered Bridge near Covington, Va.

Barbara Miller stands out in front of Jane Alexander's house near Union.

13767. Home of Jane Alexander near Union, Monroe County, W. Va.

A view of Jane Alexander's house near Union.

13768. Alexander Home near Union, Monroe County, W. Va.

Collie Everman sits in a buggy with 'Dan'. Maggie and Helen Ballard sit at the side of the road in the foreground.

13769. Buggy Ride, Monroe County, W. Va.

13770. Ballard, Margaret and Helen, Monroe County, W. Va.

Helen Houston Ballard at age 4, after a bout with typhoid fever.

13771. Ballard, Helen Houston, Monroe County, W. Va.

A group photo of Isaac Ballard and his family, and the fish they caught in Florida. Left to Right: 'Jorine, Catherine, Dad, George, Mac, Mrs. Brown, Davy.'

13772. Ballard Family in Florida

A group photo of Isaac Ballard and his family, and the fish they caught in Florida. Left to Right: 'Ma, Pop, Catherine, Jorine, Davy, Mac, Mrs. Brown.'

13773. Ballard Family in Florida

13774. Isaac Newton Ballard and Cora Ballard Ong, Monroe County, W. Va.

13775. Isaac Newton Ballard and Cora Ballard Ong, Monroe County, W. Va.

A picture of the lock on the door of the post office in Zenith. The post office building is opposite McClung's Mill.

13776. Post Office Door Lock, Zenith, Monroe County, W. Va.