Search Results

13801. Wooden Steps off a Stone Wall at Red Sulphur Springs, Monroe County, W. Va.

13802. Visitors at Red Sulphur Springs, Monroe County, W. Va.

13803. Spring and Accomodation Building at Red Sulphur Springs, Monroe County, W. Va.

13804. Partial View of the Lawn at Red Sulphur Springs, Monroe County, W. Va.

13805. Ballard, Margaret B., Monroe County, W. Va.

13806. Ballard, Isaac Newton, Monroe County, W. Va.

A Group photo 'to Dr. Ballard, with compliments to T. Young Huang.'

13807. Ballard, Margaret B. with Visitor T. Young Huang and Group, Monroe County, W. Va.

13808. Grand Central Hotel, White Sulphur Springs, Greenbrier County, W. Va.

13809. Huang, T. Young, Monroe County, W. Va.

13810. Ballard, Margaret B., Monroe County, W. Va.

A portrait of Jennie Wiseman, wife of H. C. Byrnside.

13811. Wiseman, Jennie's Portrait, Monroe County, W. Va.

13812. Byrnside, Jennie Wiseman's Portrait, Monroe County, W. Va.