Search Results

Two horses and a carriage parked in front of the Carruthers House.

13945. Front of Carruthers House, Salt Sulphur Springs, Monroe County, W. Va.

Geological Survey.  Man stands near a cut in the hillside.

13946. Crowder Prospect in Brown Hematite Monroe County, W. Va.

13947. West Virginia University Demonstration Farm at Willow Bend, Monroe County, W. Va.

A view of the spring house at Salt Sulphur Springs.

13948. Spring House at Salt Sulphur Springs, Monroe County, W. Va.

13949. Lawn and Wooden Bridge at Salt Sulphur Springs, Monroe County, W. Va.

13950. Country Road at Salt Sulphur Springs, Monroe County, W. Va.

Built in 1785 and deeded to the Conference to remain their property as long as "grass grows and water runs". Considered to be the oldest church west of the Allegheny Mountains.

13951. Old Rehoboth Church, Monroe County, W. Va.

A scenic view of the town of Greenville.

13952. Greenville, Monroe County, W. Va.

A drawing of Old Sweet Springs in Monroe County.

13953. Old Sweet Springs, Monroe County, W. Va.

A drawing of Salt Sulphur Springs.

13954. Salt Sulphur Springs, Monroe County, W. Va.

A drawing of Red Sweet Springs.

13955. Red Sweet Springs, Monroe County, W. Va.

A group portrait of Professor Lacey's High School, Rocky Point Academy, at Sinks Grove, Monroe County, West Virginia. 'Identification by Carlos Parker son of Anna Steele Parker, 8/1979 (nearly blind) at Roanoke.  Taken to him by Va. Steele. Prof. Lacey at far right, in front.  Man in suit, center right with coat buttoned to neck is Robert Morton Steele.  Eva B. Steele on his left. Steele's born in Steele's Valley (Steelesburg) Tazewell County, Va. near Cedar Bluff and moved to Monroe County.  First row, person with hat is Ollie Steele.   Boy and man front left is Ray P. Beckett and Mr. C. A. Keadle - teacher and superintendent of schools Monroe County.  Organized the corn clubs that were forerunner of 4H Clubs. Suggested at Farmer's Institute, Monroe County 1890-1900s.'

13956. Professor Lacey's High School at Sinks Grove, Monroe County, W. Va.