Search Results

'Rocky Point Academy, Sinks Grove, Monroe County, West Virginia. Professor Lacey-front far right, behind Lacey's left shoulder-Charles Alexander Keadle.  Photo from home of C. A. Keadle; Pictured are Olive Leland Steele with hat with stripes and Eva B. Steel in front of her? Center right back man in button up coat is Robert Morton Steele.  Ray P. Beckett back with face half hidden.  Also pictured Miss Trimbil, music teacher front, center.'

13957. Rocky Point Academy, Sinks Grove, Monroe County, W. Va.

13958. Veranda, Superintendent's Residence, Huntington State Hospital, Huntington, W. Va.

13959. Park for Patients, Huntington State Hospital, Huntington, W. Va.

'Elkhorn Graded School. First grade second term taught by Bess E. Smith. From the C.A. Keadle Collection. School probably in Monroe County, West Virginia.'

13960. Elkhorn Graded School, Monroe County, W. Va.

People gathered on the porch and side entrance.

13961. Street Scene Salt Sulphur Springs, Monroe County, W. Va.

13962. Spring House at Salt Sulphur Springs, Monroe County, W. Va.

13963. Driveway, Huntington State Hospital, Huntington, W. Va.

13964. Driveway, Huntington State Hospital, Huntington, W. Va.

13965. Hatfield Treatment Room, Huntington State Hospital, Huntington, W. Va.

13966. Hatfield Treatment Room, Huntington State Hospital, Huntington, W. Va.

13967. Operating Room, Barnett Hospital, Huntington, W. Va.

13968. Superintendent and Staff, State Home for Aged and Infirm Colored Men and Women, Huntington, W. Va.