Search Results

'Jackson's Mill, near Weston in Lewis County, is the boyhood home of 'Stonewall Jackson'. General Jackson's campaigns rank him as one of the great military strategists of all time.'

13969. Jackson's Mill, Lewis County, W. Va.

13970. Sewing Center at Jackson's Mill State 4-H Camp near Weston, Lewis County, W. Va.

13971. Dining Hall at Jackson's Mill 4-H Camp, Lewis County, W. Va.

13972. New Dining Hall at Jackson's Mill 4-H Camp, Lewis County, W. Va.

13973. Reception Room, Barnett Hospital, Huntington, W. Va.

Clara Matthews Barnett, M. D., Superintendent.

13974. Barnett Hospital and Nurses Training Home, Huntington, W. Va.

'Building at the State Home for Aged and Infirm Colored Men and Women. Jacob H. Johnson, Superintendent. This institution is located at 1635 Eighth Avenue, Huntington, Cabell County, and is reached by the Baltimore and Ohio and Chesapeake and Ohio Railroads, by Ohio River steamers, and by bus or auto over state Routes 8, 10, and 62, and U.S. Route 60. Number of inmates June 30, 1930 was 53.'

13975. State Home for Aged and Infirm Colored Men and Women, Huntington, W. Va.

Building of the State Home for Aged and Infirm Colored Men and Women.

13976. State Home for Aged and Infirm Colored Men and Women, Huntington, W. Va.

13977. Webster Cottage, Jackson's Mill State 4-H Camp, Lewis County, W. Va.

13978. Assembly Hall, Jackson's Mill State 4-H Camp, Lewis County, W. Va.

13979. 4-H Campers Learning to Work with Cement at Jackson's Mill, Lewis County, W. Va.

Young people seated on the foundation of the Lewis County Cottage under construction at Jackson's Mill 4-H Camp.

13980. Lewis County Cottage, Jackson's Mill State 4-H Camp, Lewis County, W. Va.