Search Results

13981. Four Scenes from Jackson's Mill State 4-H Camp in Lewis County, W. Va.

13982. Grounds of Jackson's Mill State 4-H Camp, Lewis County, W. Va.

13983. 4-H Campers in front of the Assembly Hall at Jackson's Mill, Lewis County, W. Va.

13984. All Stars at 4-H Camp in Jackson's Mill, Lewis County, W. Va.

13985. Livestock Run at Jackson's Mill, Lewis County, W. Va.

State 4-H Camp at Jackson's Mill, which was the first in the nation when it opened in 1921.

13986. 4-H Campers with Cattle at Jackson's Mill, Lewis County, W. Va.

13987. Baptist Student Group at Jackson's Mill State 4-H Camp, Lewis County, W. Va.

13988. Jackson's Mill State 4-H Camp, Lewis County, W. Va.

The cover of The County Officer Magazine, West Virginia Edition. 'Jackson's Mill Birthplace of 4-H Clubs of America, at the site of General 'Stonewall' Jackson's boyhood home... this aerial view shows the main part of West Virginia's 4-H Camp located in Lewis County. It is the pioneer development of its kind not only in America but the entire world.'

13989. Jackson's Mill State 4-H Camp on the Cover of County Officer Magazine, West Virginia Edition

13990. Horseback Riders at Jackson's Mill, Lewis County, W. Va.

Boyhood home of Confederate General Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson at Jackson's Mill.

13991. Home at Jackson's Mill, Lewis County, W. Va.

13992. Home at Jackson's Mill, Lewis County, W. Va.