Search Results

14161. Ida Judy in front of the Log Cabin at McCoy's Mill, Pendleton County, W. Va.

'House built in 1763 by Jacob Conrad when he settled in the South Branch Valley.  Located six miles north of Franklin, Pendleton Co., W. Va.  Torn down in 1890's by S. M. Conrad.'

14162. Conrad Farm, Pendleton County, W. Va.

14163. John Preston Ruddle Home in Buffalo Hills near Ruddle, W. Va.

Pictured from left to right: 'Foster Dickenson, John Dahmer, Mattie Bolton, Nanny Evich, Isaac Henry Dickenson, Elva Pitsenbarger, Minnie Rachel Dickenson, Ben Pitsenbarger and Mary Pitsenbarger. House burned circa 1926.'

14164. Ben Pitsenbarger's House on Dickenson Mountain, Pendleton County, W. Va.

From left to right: 'Don, Elsie, Ernest, and Phoebe Meadows Byrd.'

14165. John W. Byrd's Home in Pendleton County, W. Va.

'Simmons Home, nine miles east of Franklin on road to Monterey.  Temporary headquarters of Jackson during the Civil War.'

14166. Simmons Home, Pendleton County, W. Va.

'I. T. Hammer home, shortly after new addition was added. Early 1900's.  Later the Ashby G. Bowers Farm.'

14167. I. T. Hammer Home, Ruddle, Pendleton County, W. Va.

A view of Spencer State Hospital across the lake. G. C. Robertson, M. D., Superintendent. This institution is located at Spencer, Roane County, and is reached by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Number of Patients July 1, 1918 was 597.

14168. Lake at Spencer State Hospital, Roane County, W. Va.

A view of Spencer State Hospital across the lake. W. D. McClung, M. D., Superintendent. This institution is located at Spencer, Roane County, and is reached by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Number of Patients June 30, 1922 was 615.

14169. Lake at Spencer State Hospital, Roane County, W. Va.

A view of Spencer State Hospital. Charles A. Barlow, M. D., Superintendent. This institution is located at Spencer, Roane County, and is reached by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Number of Patients July 1, 1916 was 653.

14170. Spencer State Hospital, Roane County, W. Va.

The front entrance of Spencer State Hospital. W. D. McClung, M. D., Superintendent. This institution is located at Spencer, Roane County, and is reached by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, or by bus line or auto on State Route 5 and U. S. Route 21. Number of Patients June 30, 1927 was 756.

14171. Front Entrance, Spencer State Hospital, Roane County, W. Va.

Section of Male Wards at Spencer State Hospital. W. D. McClung, M. D., Superintendent. This institution is located at Spencer, Roane County, and is reached by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Number of Patients June 30, 1924 was 730.

14172. Section of Male Wards, Spencer State Hospital, Roane County, W. Va.